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SKU: 9781401918958 Category:


u003cpu003eu003ciu003eAngel Therapyu003c/iu003eu003ciu003e u003c/iu003eis a two-part book. The first part is set up in an A-to-Z subject format, with the second part being a step-by step guide on «how to communicate with your angels.» u003c/pu003eu003cpu003eIn u003ciu003eAngel Therapyu003c/iu003e, you will learn new ways of looking at, and fresh ways of handling issues and common problems such as addictions, breakups, children, depression, health, intuition, love, manifesting, and many more!u003c/pu003e Doreen shares her personal story of how she learned the importance of listening and communicating with her angels, how she had a narrow escape from death, and about the many blessings she has received since then.


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